Worst feelings
06 March 2014 • 10:08 PM • 0 comments

Pernah rasa down? Eh, tipu lah kan tak pernah. Everyone mesti pernah lalui saat di mana kita rasa kita tak diperlukan, diabaikan, dipinggirkan and all you want to do is just cry and cry and cry? But, ya thats life! Life must go on even you're hurt :)

Thats one of my worst feelings; ATELEPHOBIA. It is the fear of not being good enough or having imperfections. Honestly, it's so sad knowing there are so much better people than you. Lebih-lebih lagi bila dibandingkan. Dude, i can't be them. I am me! I don't have to be same as others. And i don't want to be like that. Kita ada cara kita sendiri so buat apa kita nak ikut orang.

Masing-masing have their own kelebihan. Susah nak puaskan hati semua orang, buat itu tak kena buat ini tak kena semua tak kena. Sebab takde siapa yang sempurna.

Buruk kita,
orang nilai.
Baik kita,
orang buta.

Sampai satu masa bila kita dah tak tahan, air mata juga yang setia jadi peneman...

Rewind me the pastMy sweet future
Times going by way too fast

Disclaimer ♥
The owner, The boss, The Author


Mirae, 15, Kuala Lumpur

The laughter
The memories
The pain
The happiness
Everything about her written here ♥

Tagboard ♥
Shout out loud, No harsh words

Time Machine ♥
Lets get back, To my past

Credits Section ♥
Big claps, For them

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Owner blog: mirae.